About the Industry Complaints Commissioner

On this page

    The Industry Complaints Commissioner (ICC) manages complaints about Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

    We give the public and aviation industry an easy, accessible and effective way to make a complaint about the decisions, actions, or services provided by CASA and its staff.

    To make sure we are impartial, we sit outside of CASA’s organisational structure and instead report directly to the Board.

    When reviewing complaints, we assess whether CASA has acted in a wrong, unjust, unlawful, discriminatory or unfair way. Find out more about the complaints we can review.


    We commit to:

    • consider each complaint on its merits with an open mind and based on any available evidence
    • keep our complaint review process transparent. We'll give you the name and contact details of the person reviewing your concerns.
    • keep you updated on the progress of our review.

    Governance arrangements

    Download the ICC's governance arrangements.

    The arrangements outline:

    • how the Commissioner is appointed
    • the role and functions of the ICC
    • reporting and record keeping requirements.

    Contact the office of the ICC

    For business enquiries, use the contact details below.

    You must lodge complaints online using - see how to make a complaint.