Complaints the ICC can consider

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    The Industry Complaints Commissioner (ICC) can consider most complaints about Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

    Common complaints

    The most common complaints we review are about:

    • service delays in CASA’s assessment of regulatory tasks
    • licence privileges
    • medical certificate assessments and conditions imposed
    • the conduct or behaviour of CASA staff
    • whether CASA has correctly applied the law or policy.

    Matters outside our power to review

    There are some types of complaints about CASA we can’t consider in much detail. These include:

    • complaints about CASA corporate policy generally, for example, if you disagree with a new regulation.
    • complaints we’ve already considered and where you can't give us any new evidence
    • where you have already applied for a review through the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) or the Federal Court of Australia and are waiting for the outcome.

    A detailed list of complaints we can't review is included in our Governance Arrangements document on the about us page.

    If you’re unsure if we have the power to review your matter, you can call us on 02 6217 1666 (weekdays between 9:00 am and 5:00  pm AEST/AEDT). If you do submit a complaint and its one of the matters we can’t review, we will write to you explaining why.